Ensuring that every child has access to high quality education and family support can’t be done by just one organization. We are at our best when we engage and partner with other individuals and organizations.
BHK relies on individuals working together, sharing their talents, knowledge, and energy, so that children can receive the greatest benefit.
We encourage parents, family members, and community members to volunteer.
Collaborate With Us
As a human service agency, BHK is always looking for new ways to engage with the community. One of the ways to do this is through collaborations and partnerships.
We believe in meaningful collaborations that create positive impact for young families.
Are you an individual or organization looking to get involved or
partner with us?
Contact us
at bhk@bhkfirst.org or call 906-482-3663.
Support Our Work - Donate
Money you contribute supports critical activities not directly funded through grants such as scholarships for students, updating technology and facilities to support safety and quality learning environments, and helping BHK plan and innovate innovative initiatives that responds to the community’s unique needs.
Donations can be made online:
Or a check may be sent directly to:
BHK Foundation
700 Park Ave.
Houghton, MI 49931
Donate in honor or memory of someone special. Acknowledgment of the donation will be sent to the individual or their family. Planned gifts through estates, wills or trusts as well as donations of goods or services may be arranged by calling the finance department at 906-482-3663.
We graciously appreciate our benefactors for their kind contribution and help in fulfilling our mission.